Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Planeterium bajet nk research

hehehe aku kena g planeterium ari tuh..bajet nk research aram apa tah...aku layan amke pic jer..dah pun mmg aku p sana kena amek pic..heheheh balik tuh safri bawak g makan paw kg baru plak...

sketsa sebelum pegi

luq: wei safri ko tebal gila pakai baju..ko tgk aku neh nek moto lek jer lengan pendek jemur tgh panas
safri: ko gila ker
luq: nape plak..lek jer aku dari dulu mcm ni
safri: ko nk tgk badan aku kering ker sejat dek matahari
luq: palisng sejat la ko safri..aram! ahahahahahah

tapi mmg aku nk rekemen kedai paw ni SGT SGT style!!!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Japanese doll

a trip aku g japanese foundation ari tuh nk wat research pasal budaya jepun hram jadah apa tah..tapi yg paling menarik minat aku gambar2 japanese dolls neh..details dia pergh..sgt kagom aku tgk. ni la sikit2 aku snap..nk tangkap pic org jepun time tuh derang duduk dalam bilik kayu tuh tak kuar2 plak..hehehehe leave a comment la...

Friday, March 5, 2010

From cameron with Love~

4 sekawan happy time ni dha nk balik dah..

i like these flowers..dunno why..
rumah kerajaan langit~
pic neh time kat pasar malam cameron~ sial tanda harga kaco jer..
pasangan jual ayam golek~
stall yg sama jual bunga putih tadi~
nice triangular shaped punya kampung~
honey comb conspiracy
bos sya nk yang baru punya bos...okey..tadak hall..eh..sudah dapat kecik saja..oh..nvm i gave u extra..i like boys ..sya tak suka perempuan...aku pun cakap thx then trus blah~ ahahahahahaha gila punya apek!
apek ni slalu ckap dia kenal siti nurhaliza..mcm ni dia cakap..mari2..ini siti pun suka sya kenal siti nurhaliza..dia saja tak kenal saya...dem apek lawak!
a verry...verry cute boy!
tweaking around with the shutter~ hehehe nothing special tho~
cameron sejuk~~
aku bukan gay..tapi aku ske pic neh..nampak sgt menonjol subject a.k.a cik ket~
pakcik santai~

Haaa...actually aku tak wat ape2 pun cameron..a friend of mine ajak g lepak2 taman dia wat keja..tehna ku pun folo la..telanjur plak aku baru beli cam kan..so ni la pic yg aku sempat snap...tak ada special sgt rasanya..cuma nk belajar lg~ heheeheheh mcm biasa..aku tak leptak detail pasal shutter ker hape ke and tak edit pun pic2 kat atas neh..cameron people are darn!!! darn!!! nice! derang sgt baik hati..chinese ke malay ker indian ker rasa mcm sama jer...love it~ hehehe

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

tenet tenet teneeeeet....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MY 50! is here...gosh...waited for almost 3 years to ger an amature lvl of cam..hehehehhe :D hehehehe thx to Allah and my mother for giving a way for me to explore more in the photography world tho..wait eh i'll update my stuff in a few days!!